
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | | None

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Abigail Thickett
1735289Penistone, Yorkshire, England0
Abigail Thickett
1735289Penistone, Yorkshire, England0
Ann Thickett
Anna Thickett
September 1664360Penistone, Yorkshire, England0
Benjamin Thickett
January 30, 17902341652386, Yorkshire, England0March 185417064Riding, Northumberland, England
Benjamin Thickett
January 30, 1790234Sheffield, Yorkshire, England0March 185417064Riding, Northumberland, England
Betty Thickett
1732292Penistone, Yorkshire, England0
Betty Thickett
about 1727297Pensitone0
Betty Thickett
1732292Penistone, Yorkshire, England0
Betty Thickett
Ellen Thickett
1729295Penistone, Yorkshire, England0
Ellen Thickett
1729295Penistone, Yorkshire, England0
Frances Thickett
1740284Penistone, Yorkshire, England0
Frances Thickett
1740284Penistone, Yorkshire, England0
Hannah Thickett
March 27, 1785239Sheffield, Yorkshire, England11January 2, 184018454Rotherham, Yorkshire, England (Moorgate Cemetery)
Hannah Thickett
1729295Denby, Derbyshire, England0
Hannah Thickett
March 27, 1785239Sheffield, Yorkshire, England28January 2, 184018454Rotherham, Yorkshire, England (Moorgate Cemetery)
Harriet Thickett
1802222Penistone, Yorkshire, England0March 28, 187015468Cubley Hall, Penistone, Yorkshire
Henricus Henry Thickett
September 1672352Penistone, Yorkshire, England0
Henry Thickett
July 1670354Penistone, Yorkshire, England0169632825
Jane Thickett
1796228Penistone, Yorkshire, England0January 30, 185916563Stocksbridge, Yorkshire, England
John Thickett
1727297Penistone, Yorkshire, England7181321186
John Thickett
1791233Penistone, Yorkshire, England0187015479Sheffield, Yorkshire, England
John Thickett
1727297Penistone, Yorkshire, England7181321186
John Thickett
1791233Penistone, Yorkshire, England01870154791652386, Yorkshire, England
John Thickett
1796228Yorkshire, England0187015474England
John Thickett
1765259Penistone, Yorkshire, England0April 20, 181221247Midhope, Yorkshire, England
John Thickett
September 1708316Silkstone, Yorkshire, England10174927540
John Thickett
April 3, 1727297Penistone, York, England0
John Thickett
1765259Penistone, Yorkshire, , England0April 20, 181221247Midhope, Yorkshire, England
John Thickett
September 1708316Silkstone, Yorkshire, England10174927540
John Thickett
1701323Penistone, Yorkshire, England0
Joseph Thickett
1751273Penistone, Yorkshire, England0
Joseph Thickett
1743281Penistone, Yorkshire, England0
Joseph Thickett
1751273Penistone, Yorkshire, England0
Joseph Thickett
1743281Penistone, Yorkshire, England0
Joseph Thickett
1709315Penistone, Yorkshire, England0
Joseph Thickett
Joseph Thickett
Joseph Thickett
Joseph Thickett
Joshua Thickett
1770254Midhope, Yorkshire, England0April 20, 181221242Midhope, Yorkshire, England
Joshua Thickett
Joshua Thickett
17702540April 20, 181221242Midhope, Yorkshire, England
Joshua Thickett
Joshua Thickett
1711313Penistone, Yorkshire, England0
Mary Thickett
November 24, 1805218Penistone, Yorkshire, England0April 24, 188314177Lonsdale Hill, Lonsdale Place, Derby
Mattaus Thickett
October 4, 1674349Penistone, Yorkshire, , England16174228267
Matthew Thickett
1760264Penistone, Yorkshire, England0181720757
Matthew Thickett
1738286Penistone, Yorkshire, England0
Matthew Thickett
1760264Peniston, Yorkshire, England0181720757
Matthew Thickett
1738286Penistone, Yorkshire, England0
Matthew Thickett
1703321Penistone, Yorkshire, England0176026457
Matthew Thickett
August 22, 1760264Sheffield, Yorkshire, England8about 181720756Penistone, St John The Baptist, Yorkshire, England
Matthew Thickett
August 22, 1760264Peniston, Yorkshire, England5about 181720756Penistone, St John The Baptist, Yorkshire, England
Phany Thickett
1748276Penistone, Yorkshire, England0
Phany Thickett
1748276Penistone, Yorkshire, England0
Rachel Thickett
Rachel Thickett
Rhoda Thickett
1763261Penistone, Yorkshire, England0179822635
Rhoda Thickett
1763261Penistone, Yorkshire, England0179822635
Ricardus Richard Thickett
Richard Thickett
April 18, 1813211Royston, St John the Baptist, Yorkshire, England0
Thomas Thickett
September 22, 17822411652386, Yorkshire, England0
Thomas Thickett
September 22, 1782241Cathedral St. Peter, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England0
Thomas Thickett
Thomas Thickett
April 1666358Penistone, Yorkshire, England0169632829